The BaseStorage<(Of <(<'T, TMappingCollection>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowEdit
Gets a value indicating whether items in the underlying list can be edited.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property AllowNew
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the AddNew()()()() method can be used to add items to the list.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property AllowRemove
Gets a value indicating whether items can be removed from the underlying list.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property BoundMode
Gets a value indicating if the collection is bound to data.
Public property Count
Gets the total number of items in the underlying list.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property DataMember
Gets or sets the specific list in the data source to which the connector currently binds to.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property DataSource
Gets or sets the data source that the connector binds to.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property IsFixedSize
Gets a value indicating whether the underlying list has a fixed size.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property IsReadOnly
Gets a value indicating whether the underlying list is read-only.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property IsSynchronized
Gets a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread safe).
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property Item
Gets or sets the list element at the specified index.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property List
Gets the list that the connector is bound to.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property Mappings
Gets or sets the MappingCollectionBase<(Of <(<'T>)>)> derived object that allows the properties of objects maintained by the current collection to be bound to the appropriate fields in the data source.
Public property ScheduleStorage
Gets the reference to the owning C1ScheduleStorage component.
Public property SupportsChangeNotification
Gets a value indicating whether the data source supports change notification.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property SupportsSearching
Gets a value indicating whether the data source supports searching with the Find method.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)
Public property SyncRoot
Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the underlying list.
(Inherited from C1BindingSource.)

See Also